Nuclear Cyborg Corp

Refund Policy


Effective February 18, 2025


Nuclear Cyborg Corp is committed to delivering high quality apps, products, and services.  If you have an issue, have discovered a software bug, or would like to suggest a feature or improvement, please contact us.  Many of our apps and services have built-in functionality to contact us.  For those that do, that is the best way to reach out.  For any that don’t, use the Contact feature at, or at the app-specific or product-specific website.


Refund Policy for Apps and Services


Refunds for apps or digital content delivered through Apple’s App Store are governed by Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions (  Refunds for these products can be requested via  More information can be found on Apple’s Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple page, here:


Nearly all our products offer trial periods, and we encourage our Customers to try it for free before purchasing to ensure they meet their expectations.  We grant our customers a possibility to return 100% of funds they spent on license keys purchased via (for license keys purchased elsewhere, look for the refund policy of that particular reseller). All full refund requests made within 30 days since the license key purchase are satisfied no matter what the reason is. The license key in question becomes blocked the moment the refund is issued. After 30 days, all requests are considered individually and the decision whether to issue a refund is left up to Nuclear Cyborg Corp, at its sole discretion.  We do not grant partial refunds for license keys upgrades and extensions.